Turn is a slice-of-life supernatural roleplaying game with quiet drama about shapeshifters in small, rural towns. Our Kickstarter funded at 207%, and we're on track to fulfill the core PDF content by March 2019 and the print content by May 2019. Find more details in our Kickstarter updates! Print orders are on hold while we complete our print run, after which we'll be available for print order on Indie Press Revolution!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
In Final Notes
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 11:52:23 PM
In Final Notes
Thank you all for your support of the Turn Kickstarter and all of the kind words that have been said on social media and otherwise! I just wanted to do a quick update to say that:
We have fulfilled all backer rewards for anyone who responded to surveys and gave information for fulfillment (if you're missing something, please reach out!),
All of the books have been shipped out except for some community copies that were undesignated, which will be distributed to libraries, marginalized folks, and community centers after COVID restrictions have eased up a little,
and there is a new supplement in the works using the towns made from the Cougar backer levels and the roles and archetypes from the Snake levels, with intent to donate proceeds to an Indigenous charity!
We're so grateful for all of your support and hope to hear many stories in years to come about your enjoyment of Turn and the additional content we release! Keep up on briebeau.itch.io, briebeau.com, daedalumap.com, and @ThoughtyGames on Twitter for new releases and updates!
Current happenings for Daedalum AP & Beau:
The Man and The Stag is finishing up at briebeau.itch.io/the-man-and-the-stag crowdfunding - backers who back before March 20, 2021 will get a print-at-cost print-on-demand code from Lulu! The Man and The Stag is a two-player narrative RPG using playing cards and prompts about cosmic connections, nature, balance, and two worlds colliding with art from John W. Sheldon, Thomas Novosel, Beau Jágr Sheldon, and Mx. Morgan! This game is has been a joy to work on and I hope you love it!
Beau and John are both contributing art to A Greeblin's Journey, crowdfunding at thomasnovosel.itch.io/a-greeblins-journey, by Thomas Novosel. It's a very lovely single-player game that focuses on a Greeblin leaving home for the first time and their adventures along the way, using a clever Blackjack inspired dice mechanic and amazing prompts. This has so much beautiful art!
Johnwillsoon be releasing more on Roar of Alliance, a game about WWII tank crews, so keep an eye on his Twitter @JohnWSheldon! The game is near-complete and is a really brilliant combination of roleplaying and quick strategy, passionately playtested, and we'll be eager for your enthusiasm!
You can also always find Beau at Thoughty, writing about games, promoting other designers, and talking reviews and theory! Don't forget to look up our other contributors, too - they're all doing amazing work!
Thank you all again for your continued support for our work and for your enthusiasm and love for Turn! We look forward to continuing to provide great games content and to helping the community thrive in whatever ways we can. Stay safe out there!
-Beau, John, and the Turn team
Cougar Backer Levels Response Due 1/21/21
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 10:02:05 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Reminder: Snake Backer Approval due 1/21/21
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 07:34:52 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Snake Level Backer Role and Archetype Approval
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 02:26:37 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Hey friends! AN UPDATE! Snakes, Cougars, Oh My!
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 09:05:54 PM
I know it has been... a long time. I have been dealing with a lot of health stuff over the past several months, including a surgery and significantly increased neurological issues. Some updates:
Snake Backer Levels
My goal is to have all the Snake level backer rewards completed by December. If I cannot do that, I will start investigating refunding anyone who I have not completed their Beast archetype for the additional funding beyond the book. I am incredibly sad that I have not finished these! I thought I'd be able to finish them as quickly as the originals (they only took a few days at maximum to finish!), but I am not the same person I was when I did this Kickstarter.
The pandemic has also not been kind to me. But, I want to try to get them done and have them turn out awesome - I'm halfway through, just doing revisions on the first half and trying extremely hard to fight through some health barriers and creative block to finish the final three. I will do my best to make it happen!
A sssssnake.
Cougar Backer Levels
I would like to try to finish these by the end of January! I do need some help from the backers on this, though. I solicited information on scheduling for Cougar Backer Levels a few months ago, and the form is still active here if you need to update your availability: https://forms.gle/MPfVp6ZJvFFrmkme6. I only heard back from half of the Cougar Backers, though, so I still need to hear from the rest of you! Please, please respond to the form if you can. I will contact you directly if you don't, but it would be easiest to have all of the backer's preferences in one place. I may hire someone to help me juggle all the scheduling emails.
If you are a Cougar Backer, please respond to this form: https://forms.gle/MPfVp6ZJvFFrmkme6 by December 15, 2020.
If I can't complete this by the end of January, I will again see if we can refund everyone for this level for the additional funding beyond the book. I do REALLY want to build these towns, though, because many of you have presented awesome ideas and I want you to get the experience of how I build towns so much! Some of the issue has been just that I've been so loaded with doctor appointments that scheduling has been hard, and some of it is due to mental and physical health issues. I am going to try to make this happen, so please, work with me! Have patience. Like a Bison! :)
A dream archetype, the sloth - maybe someday!
Missing your book?
If you are still missing your book, email [email protected] with the header "Missing Turn Kickstarter Reward" and we'll send a copy to you.
Again, I truly regret all of the delays. My plans just did not go as planned, and the true chaos of the last couple years has made it hard to resolve everything when I'm kind of doing this on my own. I appreciate your patience and kindness, and I hope that I can finish this out without disappointing you further.